What sort of voice should we read your answers in?
High-pitched and fast, like a child who's just eaten a whole pack of Nerds in one go. I think that's what I talk like.
Are you worried about how you'll come across in print?
I'm constantly worried about how I come across in any medium to be honest.
Describe your show in 10 words or less:
Gay boy from Christchurch fails at life. Enjoy his failure.
Is there somewhere we can see your work online? If not, why?
You can catch a wee taster of my stand-up on the NZICF YouTube site, and if you search hard enough you can find some truly embarrassing footage from a 48hours film I made when I was 17.
What does your mum think of what you do?
She is ridiculously supportive, but she also thinks I use too many dirty words: "look at how well Ellen and Bill Cosby have done without being so dirty".