Describe your show in 10 words or less: Like watching your drunk, musical uncle wrestle a chaotic narrative.
Will we have heard any of the jokes before? Some. It's a fresh version of the show I started developing last year. It's changed a good deal, but also remained the same in some places. However, not many of you will have heard the jokes before, because last time I did it, not many of you came.
Give us your best sales pitch: Why should we go to your show instead of saving our money for a big night out when Flight of the Conchords play in July? I'm taking this show to Edinburgh later in the year. Even though I'm being produced by Awesomeness International, it's still one of the most expensive but professionally beneficial festivals to do. Help a man avoid having to sell off a kidney in order to get there. Or worse; all three kidneys. There's three, right?
What is your pre-show ritual? I enjoy a smokey Scotch whilst having my feet rubbed by a team of orphaned children that I've adopted. The children sing me songs and rub my feet and tell me I look pretty in order to bolster my confidence (I have body issues). Once I go on stage, they normally go back under the stairs.