While half the nation watches.
Back for the new series as the affable if rather shouty presenter is Mark Richardson, ex-cricketer and host of Prime's wonderful The Crowd Goes Wild. Back, too, is The Block NZ's other presenter, Shannon Ryan, though she doesn't have to do half as much as Mark.
The show's contestants are its true talent, though, and from a distance this year's lineup is a samey sort of crowd - with the exception of the token yokels.
Shows like this inevitably have an off-centre team - usually gay or from the sticks it seems. The Block NZ 2013 has Pete and Andy, lookalike country-boy brothers from Southland, all bush shirts and Huckleberry Finn humour - or maybe more Huckleberry Hound.
Whichever it turns out to be, their 15 minutes of fame has now officially started, poor buggers.
On the other hand, the yelping yuppies, all young white couples, seemed variously annoying and barely distinguishable from each other, though we're only an hour into this epic journey.
The differences will doubtless show as time goes by and the carefully orchestrated challenges crop up and the teams bicker and bond. There are already some signs of life - volatility (Alice), utter hopelessness (Loz and Tom) and annoying efficiency (Alisa and Koan).
Though that's a bit how it was with the first series of The Block NZ.
The major difference with this second series of the ratings winner is that the four houses the couples are challenged to do up are bigger and all quite different from each other, as well as being in a theatrically low state of repair.
Such fun and so many options for product placement, naturally, but that's just part of the deal with shows like The Block. Viewers could amuse themselves playing Spot the Product and see who comes up with the most by show's end.
I saw surprisingly few last night, though I was closing my eyes in anxiety at some of the more thrillsome moments - the letterbox building contest and the nail-biting race to find the hidden tool belts in particular.