Herald rating: * * *
Only the man who brought us Hellraiser could have come up with a story this twisted - Adam and Eve never existed, instead God created a sexless creature known as The Firstborn who is locked away in a parallel universe.
The Jericho team is tasked to keep it there and Barker has you whistling through time, stopping off at the Crusades, ancient Rome and World War II on the way as you try to keep the firstborn locked up. The atmosphere is thick with gothic menace, the gloomy surroundings beautifully rendered on the PS3 console.
Pros: The best feature of the game allows you to jump between Jericho team members, harnessing each of their novel special powers - such as the ability to set enemies on fire.
Cons: There are long loading times, a thin story line, a naff ending and everything is dark, oh so dark. Where's that flashlight?
Verdict: Clive Barker is really grasping at something with Jericho, which has his bloody paw prints all over it. But the game's slick graphics only take it so far and it feels like a skeleton in need of fattening up with some more coherent plot. Will probably perform well enough to warrant an equally dark sequel.
Censor's classification: R16