Founded in 2013, Robert King's Vivat label is making an impact above and beyond its modest catalogue.
There is a story behind its latest release, Bach in Montecassino, a title that could conjure surreal images of the Baroque composer as a German soldier staving off the Kiwis and other troops in one of the historic battles of World War II.
In fact, we are taken back to 1766 when German musician Friedrich Wilhelm Rust crossed the Alps, taking some organ music by Bach to the monks at the Abbey of Monte Cassino.
The celebrated building, and its organ, did not survive the 1944 conflict, but Bach's manuscripts did, many in the library of composer Padre Martini.
Luca Guglielmi is one of Italy's foremost organists, a man who can count Jordi Savall and Cecilia Bartoli as colleagues.