Columnist, blogger and singer Lizzie Marvelly. Photo / Getty Images
Columnist, blogger and singer Lizzie Marvelly. Photo / Getty Images
Tuesday marks the official start of the Christmas season - the day everyone traditionally gets the all clear to put up the decorations and dress the tree.
But some high-profile Kiwis - including singer-songwriter Lizzie Marvelly and broadcaster Toni Street - have been embracing the Xmas spirit for weeks.
Marvelly admitted she is such a fan of the festive season she put her tree up on October 30.
"I've always loved Christmas," she said. "I grew up in a hotel, where we always put the decorations up early.
"It's probably half habit and half extreme obsession."
She has a few handy hints for hanging decorations - including having a few drinks at the end.
"Always test the lights before you put them on the tree," she said. " And if you're using a fake tree, make sure that all of the branches are evenly spaced before you start as they tend to become a little squashed when the tree is stored during the year.
"Also, make sure you have a decent bottle of wine handy to keep you going throughout the process."
Street has previously talked about her love of getting into the Christmas spirit - something that has also rubbed off on her TV co-star and NewstalkZB host Mike Hosking, who recently confessed on air that his wife Kate had taken the lead from Street.
Shortland Street actress Grace Palmer.
Actress Grace Palmer, who plays nurse Lucy Rickman in Shortland Street, can't wait for the festive countdown to start.
Putting up the Christmas tree is a happy family tradition for her.
"It hasn't gone up as of yet... that happens generally around the first weekend of December and the practical part is always a family activity," she said.
"However, my beautiful mother is a perfectionist, so we leave the decorating to her.
"My whanau has always been wonderful at making Christmas magical. It's hard not to love."
Festive tunes are another big part of Palmer's celebrations.
"It's always when the malls begin to play Christmas music that you ask yourself how it could possibly be that time already," she said. "The Michael Buble Christmas album is a weakness of mine."
Palmer and her family also like to stretch the festive period out.
"We bathe in the festive essence for as long as we can."