Christian Slater won the Golden Globe Award for supporting actor in a series with his performance as a mysterious hacktivist leader in the techno-thriller Mr Robot. He talks life and new technology with Michele Manelis
Mr Robot is all about technology - and how to subvert it. How proactive are you at connecting with your fans on social media and do you worry about the feedback you get?
Yeah, I tend to stay away from reading the feedback. That's the one thing that we get with social media - everybody gets an opportunity to have a voice. I think as we've seen, even in this political atmosphere, it's not great when everybody has an opportunity to have a Twitter account. You get a lot of nonsense. It's better not to read a lot of the comments but it is certainly an important part of this business. I do appreciate it, maybe as much as Donald Trump does (laughs). I like having the opportunity to put my own words out there - but I just choose to spell them properly. Sorry, is that too much? Am I going too far?
What can you tell us about Mr Robot in season 3?
Season 2 was much more of a cerebral experience. As one of the writers said, "Season 3 is a swift kick to the nuts." I like that. That description represents it very well.
I've always been surrounded by decent people. I also have a phenomenal wife [Brittany Lopez] who helps to keep me in touch with reality as much as possible. As soon as she sees me veering off in a particular direction or taking myself too seriously she goes, "Who the hell do you think you are, buddy?" So I think as a human being I need that in my life.
You're the father of two teenagers (Jaden, 18, Sophia, 16). That can be ... challenging?
Listen, I'm having a real great moment with my children right now. I'm actually experiencing some pride at the choices that they're starting to make. Not that I want to take any credit for that but I'm very proud of them and the direction they're heading in. I hope that I've been able to provide enough of an example that has given them some structure and foundation to make healthy choices in their life.
What's the biggest surprise?
It's been really interesting to have teenagers. They are brilliant at testing every possible boundary and so my wife and I just do the best we can and to sustain each other through the process. We get through it and just try to practice as much love, patience and tolerance as we can muster and get through it. That is what we do.
What do you tell them about social media?
That's something that our whole family unit is very particular about. You see kids making crazy choices, putting things out there. Man, we now live in a world where you post something and it follows you for the rest of your life. You have to be careful.
What are your favourite apps?
I enjoy Twitter and I enjoy Instagram. Facebook Mentions is another app that I was turned on to that is a good way to stay in contact and share things. So I think that's really cool. And my favourite thing is called, and that is a good way to keep track of everything that is going on in your life, monetarily.
Rami Malek as Eliot Alderson and Christian Slater as Mr Robot.
Do you have time for hobbies?
I walk the dogs, that's pretty much my biggest hobby, I think.
In what ways do you contribute to making the world a better place?
Wow. I feel being responsible is a contribution, not only to my own life, but to the lives of the people I am involved with, and just showing up, telling the truth and practising some gratitude.
And on a practical level?
I am to the best of my ability, a responsible recycler. I have three different garbage cans and I separate the plastic and I wash each plastic thing that has some food residue in it. These are all things that I am not patting myself on the back for but these are ways that we can actually help each other out and take care of our planet and just take more responsibility for ourselves.
What would you have wanted to become professionally if you didn't pursue acting?
I have been doing this so long, since I was really 5 years old, so it's hard to remember. Of course, at once point it was a fireman or spaceman but the great thing about being an actor is that I may get to someday be able to be one of those guys. So I feel very fortunate I have the opportunity to at least dabble in any and all professions that are available to everyone and it will be for like short little windows, so that is good. So I get to sample the tray.