Nobody seems to trust Moses over at camp Kahu. Photo / Supplied
Nobody seems to trust Moses over at camp Kahu. Photo / Supplied
In the wake of last night's all-out implosion for team Kahu, Shannon Ryan leads a campfire soul-searching session to mend broken bridges.
"We've all been there with an egg on our face, just a little bit," Sam Wallace reckons, while the more pessimistic Eric Murray proclaimed Kahu is "back to where we started."
Murray's downer attitude extends to the team dynamics: "Looks like it's going to be a bit more every man for himself, slightly."
How's that for some foreshadowing?
Newcomer to the team Moses McKay thinks Kahu is a bit madder than his former team: "you guys are crazy man."
And he could be onto something there. Despite being the team's new recruit, no one in Kahu seems to quite trust the opera singer in their midst.
Moses should probably watch his back. Photo / Supplied
Moses even admits things don't look good for him - he thinks his well-timed whispering to Gaz was responsible for the captaincy baton being handed back to Shannon.
"It feels like the whole house is upside down and there's no cleaner," said McKay, reflecting on his predicament.
Kahu are quite bummed out, literally and figuratively. Wallace challenged Moses to a bizarre bout of bum wrestling, before scheming with Shannon in the bush.
They were both keen to chuck up Moses for elimination.
Sam: "It's really hard to trust Moses at this stage."
Poor misunderstood Moses.
Thankfully over at camp Mako the mood was a bit brighter. Bree challenged the team to a so-called tropical zombie challenge, which looked every bit as ridiculous as the name suggested.
Barbara Kendall took home the $5,000 for her charity, Surf Live Saving New Zealand.
However what really needed saving was Mako, who was being cryptic about clues.
Moses was the only team member who answered truthfully, revealing he's seen four hints to where the coveted treasure is buried.
The speculation is rife over what happens to the clues if team members are eliminated. Moses said he would pass on the clues to Kahu if he was sent home, but Eric Murray didn't have a bar of that.
If Moses can't find loyalty in his current team, it looks like Mako would welcome him back with open arms.
Moses told the camera: "I'm 90 per cent sure Mako won't chuck me up for elimination."
Then it was time for the all-important Face Off challenge.
Both teams were tasked with a paddle boat challenge, racing out to sea to grab the paddles which they were to use to spell out a common pirate's phrase.
What did Moses do? He elected to be the one to sit this one out to even out the team numbers, and to avoid Kahu accusing him of purposely throwing the challenge so Mako wins.
Not the best way to prove his loyalty.
Up for grabs was a collection of canned food and the power to select who would be up for elimination.
Mako won the challenge by the skin of their teeth, spelling out the phrase "show no mercy" - a rather fitting phrase for how the contestants are playing the game.
Team Mako showed no mercy when it came to the Face Off challenge. Photo / Supplied
The real kicker was the revelation from host Matt that the teams needed to bring their packed bags to the elimination, and both teams were speculating it could mean the game could turn into an every man and woman for themselves battle.
Failing to obtain the moral booster Kahu needed, the team are not in good spirits.
Jodie to Sam: "you're looking more and more crazy".
Unsurprisingly, Moses was the scapegoat.
Sam: "Moses is just this angelic figure from the other team that we can't touch. He's got God status, and he needs to lose that real quick."
He added: "Everything was fine until the opera singer came in and started sleeping with my two wives, Moses coming in here and stuffing up the ratio."
Jodie: "Oh yeah coz the ratio was going real well for you."
Ah, so Sam's also jealous of Moses' charm with the ladies.
Sam elaborated on his Moses moans for the camera, explaining "Moses is playing a great game, and the girls have given him more power. Me and Eric are just off on the side like puppy dog eyes saying 'do you guys like us still? Or is it just Moses now?".
In between Mako's chomps on their canned delights, Gaz revealed his strategy for elimination.
"I would put you Shane, up against Sam, for sure. I would put you two ladies [Athena and Barbara] up against Jodie," he said.
Gaz is rearing to go for his big elimination decision: "Can't wait for this!"
The key bit of info from Matt: the challenge involves a bit of a balancing act.
Gaz decides on Jodie, and her underlying sarcasm escaped from her grinning teeth: "I thank you for the opportunity Gary. I'm excited."
Off-camera, she labels Gaz a profanity that need not be repeated.
From his own team, Gaz put up pocket-rocket Athena.
The challenge was a house-of-cards balancing act. The winner would be the first person to build the highest tower of wooden card blocks, while simultaneously holding the platform steady with their arm.