Candy Lane and Jess Tyson said goodbye in tonight's double elimination. Photo / TVNZ
Candy Lane and Jess Tyson said goodbye in tonight's double elimination. Photo / TVNZ
Welcome to the final week of Celebrity Treasure Island and more importantly welcome to our final six.
Candy Lane, Buck Shelford, Edna Swart, Chris Parker, Jess Tyson and the almightly, Lance Savali.
If you cast your mind back to last week, Savali took out the ultimate win. Earning himself the power to decide who will be teaming up with who in the final few days of the competition.
And yeah, before you say it, it does look like the game is rigged because Savali literally wins everything.
Today he did what Treasure Island pirates do best, he used his power to manipulate people into giving him what he wanted. Clues.
He pulled everyone for an individual chat and asked who they didn't want to be paired up with continuing to say he wouldn't put them with that person if they gave him their clue.
No one fell into his trap except for Swart.
Swart fell for Savali's clue sharing trap. Photo / TVNZ
"It's looking like I'm going to put you with Jess." Savali said as Swart handed over her clue thinking she had won the lottery. Savali let her live in la la land later sharing his evil plan with Parker.
"She doesn't want to work with Candy or Buck. Bad luck, you're with Buck,"
"He's drunk on power," Parker told the confession cam with a very cheeky low key loving it grin on his face.
All the celebs jumped on a boat and were taken to a fun circle where they had a deep and meaningful chat with hosts Bree Tomasel and Matt Chisholm.
The final six gathered with hosts Bree Tomasel and Matt Chisholm to reflect on their time on the show. Photo / TVNZ
Lined up for their first challenge of the day, Savali announced who would be pairing up with who, "I'm going to get the death stares of doom." He chuckled to the confession cam before announcing "Jess and Candy, Edna and Buck, Chris and myself."
The reactions? Not great.
"You bastard, I was fuming but well played," Swart told the confession cam while Tyson started crying right then and there admitting she felt betrayed, thankfully Tomasel lightened the mood.
"The game ain't over yet. You've got to fight." She told the celebs attempting to boost morale.
The first challenge saw the teams go through an obstacle course, solve a puzzle and ring a ships bell. The first pair to dingaling the bell would be safe from elimination.
In an unbelievably predictable outcome, Parker and Savali took out the win. "We are getting daggers shot at us from everyone," Parker told the confession cam while Savali looked reasonably unbothered.
During lunch, Tyson stormed off and Savali had to follow her knowing he was the villain in this story.
A tearful Tyson felt betrayed by Savali. Photo / TVNZ
"I am so sorry for the way I went about things" He remorsefully said. "I am so sorry for the way you feel right now."
And right then and there, on the beach, it became very clear who was playing a game and who was playing for their charity, based on that alone, Tyson really should be the one to take out the win.
In a double whammy confrontation, Savali walked over to Swart and their love-hate relationship continued. "I'm just going to have a full-on argument with Edna." He hyped himself up.
"That was such bullshit." Swart sternly told him proving she won't let anyone mess with her. "I'm actually so disappointed in you."
Oooh, the I'm not mad just disappointed speech. Way to hit a man in the feels. Go, queen.
Finally, it was time for the double-elimination round.
The two teams would grab shovels of sand, walk over a balancing beam and fill a box on opposite sides of three seesaws.
The team with two out of three of the heaviest seesaws would win and secure themselves a spot in the final four.
Former Miss World contestant and Māori TV reporter, Jess Tyson and her teammate, dancer and former host of Dancing with the Stars, Candy Lane would face off against ex-captain and All Black legend, Buck Shelford and Boss Babe, Edna Swart in possibly the tensest elimination rounds yet.
It was a close call, Shelford was hauling some heavy loads, but Tyson was zooming back and forth. Finally, it was Shelford and Swart who won the battle and their spot in the final four.
Candy Lane and Jess Tyson said goodbye in tonight's double elimination. Photo / TVNZ
Lane gave a heartfelt goodbye speech ending with "But now there's Buck, Ed, Chris and Lance still here for the final dance let, the record show I took my blows and played the game my way." While Tyson was very proud of how far she had come and made it clear she was rooting for Swart to win. "I'd be so annoyed if one of those boys wins."
The final four headed back to their very lush camp in one of their final nights in the competition sounding pumped for whatever tomorrow brings for them.
"We've just got to take these two buggers out," Shelford told the confession cam with his teammate, Swart supporting him. "Hard out."