We start the final week for CTI with all of our celebs in a truly goofy mood to start their morning.
And by goofy, I mean truly as goofy as the treatment of Jesse Tuke’s top teeth in this week’s Woman’s Day.
Reality sure does bite.

While some take a backseat, Courtenay Louise is taking steps to secure the win. Photo / TVNZ
We start the final week for CTI with all of our celebs in a truly goofy mood to start their morning.
And by goofy, I mean truly as goofy as the treatment of Jesse Tuke’s top teeth in this week’s Woman’s Day.
Reality sure does bite.
They are playing games and cackling so much it feels like they have said cya to the show and gone to a kids’ birthday party instead.
But just like a kids’ birthday party, there are always tears and at least one child sulking in the corner waiting for their mate to comfort them.
Enter Courtenay Louise and Tuke.
Louise is feeling like the older sister who no one wants to hang out with so Tuke tries to make her feel better by telling her he will let slip some details about the monolith.
Just kidding, Tuke is way too deep in the lies now. So instead of asking for forgiveness, he tells her another lie. It’s amazing, except for the fact that Louise is onto him.
“I think it’s going to be a real stupid move if I just carry him into the final without knowing anything about the monolith,” she tells the confession cam.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, if anyone can outsmart Tuke, it’s our Shorty Street star.
Regardless, our Shorty Street star is mad, sad and ready to rain on everyone’s parade. She heads back to the birthday party where she tells everyone the party is over and there is not a single party bag to take home.
No one is more upset than Cam Mansel who looks like he may cry any minute. Our boy Cam knows the party bags are the best part.
Louise doesn’t care though, she is on a mission and wants to figure out what Tuke has told each celeb, but they are very cagey, which only aggravates her more, so it’s on to plan C.
Needing some quiet time away from the silly celebs she pulls out her handy dandy pilot’s logbook and discovers something, “Some say a traitor hid the cargo.”
You can literally see the gears turning in her head as she stares into the distance. “Oh my god, is he the traitor? Oh my god, I feel sick.”
“In that moment it all made sense, my biggest ally in the game is a traitor,” she tells the confession cam. It’s exactly what Jesus said when he found out about Judas.
The time for revenge has to wait though as hosts Matt Chisholm and Bree Tomasel pull the celebs for a wholesome recap of the show. As lovely as it is, it’s not the drama we are here for.
After, Louise pulls her besties, Siobhan Marshall and Dame Susan Devoy for a chat, “I have decided I don’t really believe what Jesse is telling us,” she says.
While we don’t hear the rest of the conversation thanks to some random final cut by the producers, we do know roughly what Louise says as she recalls it to the confession cam, “And I tell them there’s no way in hell Jesse Tuke’s going to win this thing.”
Next on the agenda, Louise gets to pick who is pairing up with whom. In a very Love Island announcement, she decides to partner up with Marshall.
Mansel and Devoy get put together and as for Tuke? He gets paired with the sass legend, Elvis Lopeti.
“Courtenay’s picked Siobhan.” Tuke tells the confession cam, “I think Courtenay’s worked me out. It’s very very worrying.”
Oh, you have no idea Judas.
The celebs compete in a challenge where the losing two pairs will face off and the losers will go home.
It’s nail-biting stuff mainly because Louise’s plan backfires and instead of Tuke and Lopeti coming last they actually come first. You can feel her anger through the screen.
“Courtenay, Courtenay Courtenay, you gonna take a swing at the kings, you better not miss,” Tuke tells the confession cam through laughter while I realise it’s really hard to dislike a funny villain.
Back at camp, it’s incredibly awkward between everyone and Tuke taps out before Louise can reach over and strangle him Bart and Homer Simpson style.
“There’s been a very clear line drawn in the sand that it’s everyone against me,” Tuke tells the confession cam, “Fair enough if I were them, I wouldn’t want me in the top three either because I’ve got all the clues and I know where the bloody treasure is,” he grins.
Louise is feeling down in the dumps and Tuke is feeling like he’s already won so Marshall tells the remaining celebs, “Guys come on, you can beat Jesse. He’s not unbeatable.”
I can tell Marshall is the friend who guides you through a break-up in a sensible way while also throwing a couple of digs in there. What a talent.
Louise knows Marshall doesn’t know about the traitor though so she pulls her for a chat and breaks the news.
Instead of falling over in shock, Marshall says, “that makes sense,” and now Louise is the one who is shocked, “Am I the only one who sees what a big deal this is right now?” she says to the confession cam.
It’s like when you tell your bestie that your office crush – who you shamelessly flirt with every day – has just gotten a girlfriend and she doesn’t react with “OMG How dare he!”
Come on Marshall! Raise the roofs. This is breaking news.
There is no time for Louise to explain to Marshall why she reacted in the completely wrong way, because it’s time for the elimination battle.
Dame Susan Devoy who is competing for The Aunties and Cam Mansel who is competing for Music Helps, versus Courtenay Louise who is competing for Voices of Hope, and Siobhan Marshall is competing for South Pacific Animal Welfare.
We kick into the battle and Marshall proves that even though she doesn’t react to shocking situations in the most satisfyingly dramatic manner, she is still a force to be reckoned with. She and Louise take out the win and the Shorty Street star looks like she could spontaneously combust.
“My stupid power move that I tried to pull didn’t fail!” she tells the confession cam, “It failed a little bit but it didn’t fail!”
Mansel and Devoy hug it out as they leave the show, “I’m guttered but proud,” Mansel says and heartwarmingly reflects on the good times and even better friendships he has made during the show.
While Devoy says, “I don’t like losing but I’m not upset about it because it’s been a hell of a ride,” then the two run off into the sunset.
But it’s not all good times and great friendships for the remaining celebs, “Game on, we’re here to play and we’re here to beat you.” Louise says.
Celebrity Treasure Island airs weekly, Mon-Wed, 7.30pm on TVNZ2 and TVNZ +.
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