Dame Susan Devoy is at her breaking point. Photo / TVNZ
Dame Susan Devoy is at her breaking point. Photo / TVNZ
If you cast your mind back to last week, Courtenay Louise lost the elimination battle but instead of going home, Karen O’Leary said “I volunteer as tribute” and took her place.
It wasn’t those exact words, but it was an exact replication of the teary Hunger Games moment.
Louise is still crying actually and she tells the confession cam, “Last night was really eye-opening for me I reckon.”
“I was kind of battling with those thoughts of I don’t really feel like I deserve to be here but I’ve squished those and I think Karen did that for a reason and I don’t really want to discredit her for doing that.”
For the second time, her magic tears pulled at the heartstrings of the producers, and they slip her a clue O’Leary left behind. She really took this fairy godmother role seriously.
A clue a day keeps the tears at bay. Photo / TVNZ
Meanwhile, Jesse Tuke is feeling his alliances creep up on him at camp.
“I’m stuck in the middle of an absolute storm,” Tuke says as he begins explaining all his alliances. It results in the sports commentator making a really weird analogy about fingers in pies which sounds a bit X-rated so let’s skip over that before we get a media council complaint.
After the charity challenge – in which Tuke won $5000 for his charity, Live Ocean – he slips away for a chat with Ron Cribb, but the former All Black smells something funky - no, it’s not Tuke’s alliance pies.
“He’s trying to say he’s loyal to me and he’s loyal to Courtenay but I think the other team are cracking on to him, I think he might be slightly on the outer but he’s trying to hold on. I’m like bro,” Cribb tells the confession cam.
Tuke is one wrong move away from being beached as, bro.
At the individual faceoff, hosts Matt Chisholm and Bree Tomasel tell the celebs they will be doing water sports again, and Devoy is done, she is over it.
It started out as a joke and everyone was laughing the same way you laugh when your bestie is complaining about an FBoy, but then everyone realises her tears are legit and it’s a quick switch into crisis mode.
Dame Susan was not having it today. Photo / TVNZ
“Everyone has their limits and I’ve just about come to the end of mine. I’m not playing. I’ve had enough,” she says through tears as she sits on the ground.
It’s time to pull in the big guns. Grab the prosecco! Grab the tissues! Someone please remind her she is the baddest of them all.
Thankfully she gets the validation she so desperately needs, and it’s on to the faceoff.
You're allowed five minutes to be sad then you have to get up and be bad again. Photo / TVNZ
Tuke not so surprisingly takes out the win, and as his prize, he gets to decide who goes up for elimination but also who gets to join him for a wine and a cheese platter.
He picks Louise and Tomsel tells him he gets to bring one more person. Without even a second of hesitation, he picks Devoy and Cribb is fuming. He’s about to go full hulk because he is meant to be in the alliance with Tuke and Louise.
“I’m starting to feel like a spare prick at the wedding here,” he tells Tuke, and the sports commentator does very little to comfort him but what was he meant to do? Devoy is more in need of a prosecco than Cribb.
Ron Cribb is drawing a target on Jesse Tuke's back with his eyes. Photo / TVNZ
During the wine and whine with Devoy and Louise, Tuke is attacked by his alliance pal while Devoy plays referee.
“I want you to align with me and make it very apparent,” Louise tells him. She’s at her wit’s end, she wants Marshall to go up against Joel Rindelaub in the elimination and instead of saying yes, Tuke is playing games and just grins.
It’s the same grin your little brother does when he’s stolen your $2 mix and won’t give it back. A rage-inducing offence and one that has Louise breaking down in tears.
Finally, he agrees, and Louise is stoked so off she goes to give Rindelaub and Marshall a heads-up about the elimination. It’s a smart manipulation tactic that has them thinking she isn’t the bad guy, Tuke is and gives major, “Mum, I did all the chores today while Tuke did nothing … AND he stole my lolly mix” energy.
When Courtenay Louise leaves Treasure Island she's going to be singing "no tears left to cry". She's already used her yearly quota. Photo / TVNZ
For the elimination, Tuke decides to put up Siobhan Marshall who is competing for South Pacific Animal Welfare against Joel Rindelaub who is competing for South Auckland Science.
It’s a battle they saw coming but the sting from their “alliance” buddy theoretically slapping them hurts all the same. “It’s double-crossing,” Marshall whispers to Rindelaub.
The two partake in a puzzle and it doesn’t take long before Marshall wins, but there is nothing joyful about this elimination. These two are besties and the tears are streaming down my face at this point because it feels like the time Black Widow sacrificed herself in Avengers: Endgame.
Besties Joel Rindelaub and Siobhan Marshall face off. Photo / TVNZ
“Did you even try?” she asks the scientist.
“Sure,” he half-heartedly tells her but we all know he didn’t. He couldn’t take her out, it was a battle too hard for his heart and the two embrace in the most heartbreaking hug this season.
“I don’t think he could do it to Siobhan, I don’t think he could send her home,” Devoy tells the confession cam. Even Dame Suzy is sad!
Siri, play some Adele. Photo / TVNZ
Emotionally, I’m done. I’m finished. I’m tapping out. But as for Marshall, she is only just getting started.