First trailer released for Celebrity Treasure Island 2022. Video / TVNZ
Celebrity Treasure Island is back for a brand new season and it feels like coming back home after your house has had renovations.
It's familiar, it's comfortable, you know you can kick your shoes off and curl up on the couch but like your house after renovations, there is just something different about it.
And thank god, because things were getting boring.
Time to get excited New Zealand, because this season not only includes a whole new cast of mid-tier celebrities but also, dun, dun, dun, three sassy intruders.
Scared? You shouldn't be, well maybe you should because if last week's first look is anything to go by Mike King – an intruder – is going to come into the game hot.
And I don't mean sweaty hot, but more steam coming out of his ears kind of hot and I honestly don't know which is scarier.
There is a fine line when implementing changes, and thankfully the show has walked it perfectly because while there are a bunch of new celebrities and an intriguing twist, there are still our favourite hosts.
Enter Matt Chisholm and Bree Tomasel who start the show off on a sad note paying tribute to Inga Tuigamala.
Say hello to this year's celebrity contestants. Photo / TVNZ
The former rugby league star was meant to compete on the show for his chosen charity Alliance Health Plus but he sadly died on February 24. As an ode to the beloved star, the celebs and the hosts all agreed the first $5000 won should go to Tuigamala's charity.
After we all wiped our tears, it was straight into the game, and just like last year, there are three teams.
Mangō – who may as well be the jocks because they all look like they walked out of a photo shoot for a sports magazine or, should I say an Olympics PR shoot? Yeah, it's pretty intimidating.
Kuaka – the team you would absolutely want to get stuck sitting with at an event. Not only because of the hilarious Karen O'Leary but because they already give me wholesome family vibes. I can't explain it but these lot are going to stick together.
And finally, Kauri, who I'm going to go ahead and assume will be the problem child, the drama, the sass if you will. I think they will carry the show, and my assumption is based solely on celeb scientist Dr. Joel Rindelaub's business in the front, party in the back mullet.
The first challenge was a whole lot of water sports, teamwork, and climbing up hills which, okay, sure, it was entertaining to watch but mostly made me realise how long my gym membership has been neglected.
Team Kauri (L-R), Cam Mansel, Lynette Forday, Siobhan Marshall, Melodie Robinson, Elvis Lopeti and Dr. Joel Rindelaub. Photo / TVNZ
Now, just in case you're sitting at home thinking you could do the challenge better than the celebs, Alex King - radio host and daughter of Mike King - set the record straight.
"When you watch it on TV you think ah I can do that, and then you're in it, and it's so much harder."
In true CTI fashion, there was a puzzle part of the challenge, which Kauri ultimately won, leading the hilarious and sassy dancer, Elvis Lopeti to say, "Don't come for us honey, baby, darling, because we just beat you all."
The sassy commentary won my heart and Lopeti will now be my biased pick for this season's winner but as for Kauri's win? They will take residence in the best camp.
Unfortunately, Kauaka came last in, but they didn't let it get them down. In fact, actor Eds Eramiha looked at it as a positive. "It ain't losses; they're lessons," he said.
Team Kuaka (L-R) - Karen O'Leary, Shimpal Lelisi, Alex King, Guy Montgomery, Perlina Lau and Eds Eramiha. Photo / TVNZ
While the teams were getting settled at camp, Chisholm and Tomasel popped over to see our intruders, All Black legend Rob Cribb, squash player Dame Susan Devoy and mental health advocate King, who much to their dismay, were told to stay put.
It wouldn't be Treasure Island without another challenge, so off the teams went to a game that seems a bit like wrestling crossed with ripper rugby while blindfolded.
It's an interesting combo that gets even more interesting when Kauri's former Black Fern Melodie Robinson gets frisky with Mangō's Jesse Tuke as she was trying to rip off his flag.
"How lovely is that? He's like twenty years my junior." Melodie Robinson giggled. Photo / TVNZ
After wrapping her arms around the sports commentator, Robinson giggled to the confession cam, "how lovely is that, he's like 20 years my junior".
The winner of the challenge ultimately goes to the underdogs. Yes, Kauaka, and they win the right to pick everyone's captains.
King Jnr, is elected captain of her team and delivers the news that entrepreneur Iyia Liu will captain Mangō. This quickly results in her teammate and Shortland Street star, Courtney Louise shouting "go girl".
Women supporting women, we love to see it.
Meanwhile, Forday was chosen to captain Kauri, "Where my strength lies is being the boss." she smirked.
We end the episode with Liu winning the first captain's challenge – surprising everyone, including herself. She takes possession of a sneaky card that will give Mangō a one-minute head start in any challenge.
All seems well in the camps now, but if the intruders' two minutes of screen time taught us anything, it's be prepared for some shocking twists.