We are getting close to the finale now with only six celebs left. Photo / TVNZ
We are getting close to the finale now with only six celebs left. Photo / TVNZ
We are getting close to the end of Treasure Island and the awkwardness at camp has never been more obvious than now.
But there is one alliance that seems to be thriving and they called themselves the "dirtbags", it's made up of Edna Swart, Chris Parker, Lance Savali and maybe or maybe not Jess Tyson but more on that later.
After a very wet charity challenge, Candy Lane took out the win and won her charity a whopping $5000, through tears she announced the money would be going toward Endometriosis New Zealand.
In an unexpected but very heartfelt moment, host Bree Tomasel broke down in tears as she shared she has struggled with endo her entire life and was very thankful for people like Lane who are bringing awareness to the medical condition.
A selected charity hit close to home for host, Bree Tomasel. Photo / TVNZ
Later on the beach, Swart and Savali cornered Tyson asking if she would like to formally join their alliance and it was a yes. "The alliance I think will get me further in the game." Tyson smized to the confession cam.
At the individual face-off, Swart pulled out her "stand down" scroll allowing her to stand down a player of her choice and she chose Anna Simcic.
Safe to say Simcic was confused. "Why would they want to stand me down?"
The face-off was made up of balancing beams, and letter blocks, and after a very close game, Savali took out the win… again.
Tyson was not a happy chappy however as she noticed Savali and Parker had been trying to copy her when it came to the building block part of the challenge. "These guys are stealing my thunder," she growled, going on to say "I am pissed off."
I think everyone should be scared of Tyson right now.
Savali won a lunch with local iwi Ngāti Kurī and because Tomasel was feeling generous, she said everyone could join. To say they were honoured would be an understatement.
Back at camp, Buck Shelford was bossing everyone around telling them to tidy up "I love watching Buck take the lead," Parker told the confession cam. "Buck's values, everyone can get on board with."
And when Ngāti Kurī arrived via boat, Savali was gobsmacked at the size of the fish they brought with them. "This is probably the heaviest thing I've lifted in my life." Oh, Savali, don't be silly, you're also carrying the weight of CTI this season.
Ngāti Kurī generously shared their kai and stories with the celebs and they were all honoured. Photo / TVNZ
Introductions took place and Parker said it better than I ever could "It's incredible to see Jess and Buck work their te reo with so much confidence. It's just so inspiring." Amen to that.
While Simcic found herself emotional: "I think at this stage of the game people forget who they are." She was moved by how connected they all felt.
And Savali was in awe: "It feels like home. I really appreciated what was going on in that moment. Just to learn about where we are, to learn about them. It was a special moment for all of us."
Indeed, it was, even little old me felt like I was sitting on the beach with them connecting with New Zealand in a way I never had before.
After the most wholesome moment of the season, Parker and Savali were chatting about who would go up for elimination and it was a very short conversation, it seemed they had it planned out perfectly.
Out of the blue Lane showed up bargaining for her safety by offering a clue, but she was one step ahead telling Savali she wouldn't share the clue until tomorrow. Savali was sceptical but agreed.
Lance Savali and Candy Lane shook on a deal but will Lane keep up her end of the bargain? Photo / TVNZ
At the elimination round, Savali decided to nominate Olympic swimmer Anna Simcic and ex-captain and All Black legend Buck Shelford to face-off for their safety in the game.
Two legends competed in what Swart dubbed "by far the hardest challenge we have ever seen".
They had to place lettered blocks and spell a phrase on a frame that was very sensitive to movement.
After 45 minutes, the challenge that was increasingly frustrating to watch and I'm sure even more frustrating to play, ended and Shelford took out the win earning himself a clue.