You gotta give it to her. One of the few people who can make wearing a sheet look good!
Ellen DeGeneres: Kristen Wiig and I let it go.
The only thing they're letting go is all shame...
Kiwi singer Lorde. Photo / Getty Images
You gotta give it to her. One of the few people who can make wearing a sheet look good!
Ellen DeGeneres: Kristen Wiig and I let it go.
The only thing they're letting go is all shame...
Is it just us or is that koala way too happy about life right now?
No offence Ellie I was more interested in the hydro slide! Every concert needs one of these!
Iggy Azalea named her puppy Space Jam because he's out of this world cute? Or just another crazy celebrity name...
The hang over no one wants to get:
Do we be happy for her and feel guilty for her misfortune or keep scrolling and pretend we didn't see that one...
I'll take the app that burns calories while watching people exercise. A free subscription to sky sport wouldn't go astray either.
Dorito cheese burgers... Oh the possibilities!
Kim Kardashian: What an amazing Australian tour! Its frustrating that something so awesome could be clouded by lies in the media. Kanye never asked anyone in a wheel chair to stand up & the audience videos show that. He asked for everyone to stand up & dance UNLESS they were in a wheel chair. #JustWantedEveryoneToHaveAFunNight #TheMediaTwistsThings
Correction Kim... Some media. We want you to decide for yourself!
Kim's thought of events:
The actual event:
App users: Tap here to watch the video of the show
Read more:
• Kanye demands wheelchair-bound fans stand up and dance
• Kanye West defends wheelchair scandal
Cam Mansel and Liam McEwan host Ulitmate Access on iHeartRadio weekdays from 4pm.
Ayers was known for his songs Everybody Loves the Sunshine and Running Away.