Jaquie Brown, comedian
What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
I make up random recipes, like a Vietnamese salad. But the thing with me is that I tend to invent something and then I eat it and eat it and eat it until I'm totally sick of it.
Why did you choose that?
I guess because I'm not very good at following instructions. I always try my hardest to follow the recipe but I always just go, "That'll do! They don't really mean a cup, surely. Who is this Nigella Lawson?"
What do you enjoy about it?
It's freeing. It's you and the flavours and you're just having fun and if you get it wrong, oh well. It's creative and it's quite nurturing and I like making things for people and giving things to people.
Is it expensive?
It can get expensive if you really want the right ingredients. But it depends on how you do it. It doesn't have to be expensive if you can be creative and grow your own ingredients. But I'm not very good at that; they just die.
What do your friends and family think about your hobby?
My husband is just like, 'Uh oh!' because often I try to make things like vegan chocolate cakes because I figure that would be healthier to eat, but they always end up tasting a bit like a shoe.