Calum Henderson watched a new TV show every week of the year. Here's what he learnt from a life of binge-watching.
If reviewing a different new TV show each week this year has taught me anything, it's that our time on this earth is limited, and we should try to make the most of it.
Or, in other words, this year I've started watching a lot of really good TV series I'm realistically never going to get around to finishing, and I'm mostly fine with that.
Here's a list of some of the new shows I really liked the first one or two episodes of this year, the ones I might finish one day, maybe, if injury or illness means I have to spend several months housebound and bedridden in 2019: Counterpoint (loved the first episode, second episode lost me – a recurring theme), Barry, Wild Wild Country, Evil Genius, Patrick Melrose (it's only five episodes long!), Knives Out (it's a bloody 10-minute web series!), Wellington Paranormal, Sharp Objects, Greyzone, Howards End, Deep Water, Mystery Road, Castle Rock, Vanity Fair, Wanderlust, The Cry, Terrace House: Opening New Doors (watched the first 8 episodes, only 34 more to go), The Little Drummer Boy and My Brilliant Friend (in my defence, I wanted to read the book first – but will I ever finish that?).