What is a bogan? asked the narrator at the beginning of Bogans (TV2, Thursday, 9pm) which is a documentary series about ... bogans. Ooh, ooh, I know! Bogans are people who live in Hamilton and the male ones like doing burnouts and listening to heavy metal and have mullets and drink bourbon and Coke (pre-mixed, out of cans) and the female ones like watching the male ones do burn-outs and listening to heavy metal and don't have mullets and drink bourbon and Coke (pre-mixed, out of cans) and it is obligatory for both male ones and female ones to wear black T-shirts with the names of the aforementioned metal bands emblazoned on them.
That is the stereotypical idea of bogans but there must be a lot more to them if an entire series - based on a book, Bogan: An Insider's Guide to Metal, Mullets and Mayhem by David Snell, aka Doc Bogan, which was based on his thesis on bogans - has been made.
A telly series, a book, a thesis. That's a lot of bogan material to be working with.
"So who are they and what makes them tick?" asked the narrator. I'd have liked to have heard more from Doc Bogan, who has a supporting role, on screen and off, about the tickings. He is a bogan and so is keen on bogans and on observing them, from the inside. You can appreciate that bogans tire of the stereotypes (while also enjoying playing up to them and what are stereotypes but a way of recognising your own?) and fair enough too. Hey, bogans are people too. They might even be people who, like all of us, lead rather dull daily lives and so seek to do slightly more interesting things at the weekend. Hey, bogans go bungy jumping too!