We're done! Our first headlining tour has come to an end, and, I'm gonna be honest, I've never been more proud of us. Our first real experience of tour life was, at times, brutal, with early mornings and long waits in the airport.
It's not all the glamour and glitz that some people may think it is. It's hard work and we were never really fully prepared for such an intense schedule. Some mornings we were up and on our way to the airport as early as 2.30am, after finishing a show at midnight!
These definitely took it's toll on everyone in our tour crew. Within a week Caleb came down with the flu and managed to pass it on to every single person but myself, which was so lucky. I was going through vitamin C like candy. This was a huge learning curve and we now understand how important it is to stay healthy on the road.
But, at the end of each night when we took the stage and sweated our faces off in front of the fans, it reminded us of everything we are and everything we want to be. The most important thing to us is always going to be those people that are looking up at us in that moment. There were so many different types of beautiful in those crowds each night: people that knew all the words, people that screamed when they caught our eye, even the occasional cryer when I crouched down to hold their hands.
In Santa Ana we had a line at the merchandise desk of about 200 people, all wanting a photo, autograph or hand shake.
The funny thing about those situations is that we are just as amazed with them as they are with us. A girl named Janet had been tweeting us for a while, telling us how excited she was to see Broods play live. She'd told us which show she would be at so I asked her during the set to reveal herself, as we only knew her as her Twitter name.