The latest wicked whispers indicate that Brad Pitt used to be a stripper.
The Hollywood heartthrob - now hooked up with the ridiculously beautiful Angelina Jolie with four kids in tow - used to be part of a raunchy club called the Dancing Bares while a student at the University of Missouri.
A young man named Thomas Whelihan, who transpires to be one of Brad's Sigma Chi fraternity brothers, said: "When a girl from one of our sister sororities turned 21, the Bares - there were seven of them - would put her in a chair and come out butt-naked with pillowcases on their heads and do a choreographed dance for her. The girls would be laughing so hard. It was great!"
Bradley Pitts - famed for being a bit of a prankster - earned himself a reputation for playing practical jokes on his University mates.
Another fraternity brother, Harry Lunt, tells In Touch Weekly magazine: "Once, during Spring Fling, Brad tanned the letters of the sorority house we were grouped with on his butt. He mooned the whole crowd. Everyone thought it was hysterical."
How Brad looked in the 80s.
Return to LA LA land
Lindsay Lohan is back home in LA, and the only people more excited about her return than anyone else are the paparazzi.
You could say that things got a little out of control when Lohan was spotted leaving a dance class earlier this week.
If you think I'm ruthless, check out the hounding paparazzi in this video.
Word has it that Lohan hasn't been out partying once...yet. She's been spotted shopping with her entourage and later rehearsing for her role in upcoming dance flick Dare to Love Me. But that's all; nary a display of deviant behaviour in sight.
To be honest, I have faith in Lohan. She's got the potential to sort her baggage out. I'm all for redemption.
Celine goes on
Click here to watch Celine Dion's video for her new single, Taking Chances.
According to the video is "a little bit moody, glam and totally cheesy." We love it too, Perez - for all the wrong reasons.
Jen's unmentionables
Stop the press and hold the front page! This is serious news.
Word has it that Friends star Jennifer Aniston is so preoccupied with her ladygarden that she once became almost hooked on having her nethers waxed and trimmed.
Dawn DaLuise, the owner of the Dawn DaLuise Skin Refinery (in Hollywood, where else?) revealed to Star magazine: "She'd call even when there was no hair to wax. And she'd insist on having it done - literally making me wax off peach fuzz. She's phobic about extraneous stray hairs - especially around her bikini line. She'll tweeze them!"
Needless to say DaLusie no longer tends to Aniston's unmentionables as she's committed the cardinal sin and dished the dirt on her celebrity clientele.
Lily's rant
Singer Lilly Allen has opened her mouth and emptied her verbal diarrhoea into the world.
And what's her target this time? She's now ranting about the US and how she could never see herself living there, which is just as well because she's been refused a visa to enter LA after allegedly attacking a papparazo.
"I can't even get into America now but I wouldn't want to anyway. It's all about aesthetics over there and that isn't really what life is all about. LA's just weird, it's chaotic but flat - a bit like purgatory," she whines.
That's right, this is the same Lilly Allen who's been moaning about her weight for yonks, but all of a sudden doesn't care about aesthetics. Her description of purgatory as 'chaos but flat' is fabulous, though.
Not so stupid
We all know that Britney was all teeth and smiles when she turned herself in to police earlier this week, and she took time out to share some banter with a reporter afterwards.
Bizarrely, Britney described the cop experience as "amazing". I'd like to think she was actually joking, but you just never know with her.
Yes, I make no secret of the fact that Britney, or her questionable public behaviour to be precise, grates me. But I would actually like to see her taking some steps in the right direction.
That said, insiders claim that Britney is far more grounded and level-headed than she's leading us to believe...
Music producer Dallas Austin, says: "She is very sane when she talks, believe it or not. She is normal and knows what is going on."
He also said that Britney knew she wasn't ready to perform at the VMAs last month and just wanted to be home with her kids instead.
So Britney is actually with it after all? You be the judge. The jury's out as far as I'm concerned.
Oh, brother
Angelina Jolie's brother, James Haven, has given an exclusive interview to Marie Claire magazine and uses the opportunity to lash out at their estranged father, Jon Voight.
James says "I don't want to constantly berate my father. I wish him well, and I hope he finds peace but he put my mom through years of mental abuse, and it made me care especially for abandoned women and children. So that's my religion - helping widows and orphans."
Jon Voight responds: "I find it very heartbreaking that my children want to paint a bad guy portrait of me. I feel it comes from their inability to let go of years of programmed anger from their mother, who understandably felt quite hurt when we divorced."
It's time to mend bridges and heal those toxic wounds. Trust me, family breakdowns are debilitating and can tear your life apart. Life's too short, guys.
Meanwhile, Angelina's busy working on new Clint Eastwood flick The Changeling and keeping her mind occupied.
Fast gossip
Foxy Brown pleads "not guilty" to pulling a Naomi Campbell - Jossip
Picture proof of Britney's bodyguard beating down a photog - HRag
Natalie Portman wants your shoes - Just Jared
Tara Reid drunken photos - Cityrag
Halle Berry: My baby will be eco-friendly - Just Jared
Brad Pitt was a stripper - IDLYITW
Paris Hilton is not dating Kid Rock or Kid Creole - Contactmusic
See you Friday, folks.