One thing you can be sure of when you open a Kate De Goldi book is that it'll be good. More than good, most of the time.
One thing you can't be sure of is what genre it'll be. Edgy YA novel? Ingenious picture book? Authoritative literary study? Distinctive adult fiction? The author is a real Renaissance woman.
This one is a cross-over novel of "stories within stories within stories". We're told at the start it's written by a supine, seriously-injured survivor of some major disaster. You may think you recognise the setting. You're probably right.
Events take place in a sprightly inner suburb where lives eponymous, almost-adolescent Barney, a movie director famed throughout his entire school class, the genius behind a nativity story where Mary and Joseph arrive on a tandem. Along with him comes little sister Ren, flawless speller, obsessive list-maker, devotee of all that's ghoulish.
So far, so cute 'n' cosy. And indeed, it's an idyllic existence in The Street, with its community of creatives, eccentrics and aspirants, along with numerous kids whose jumble of idealism, energy and self-centredness keeps things bouncing along.