Aquarius (TV1, Tuesdays, 9.30pm) is a cop show in which the baddie is a fictionalised Charles Manson before he went completely off his rocker - although a pre-completely-off-his-rocker Manson is still pretty crazy, man.
As is LA in 1967, two years before the murder of Sharon Tate, which looks like your mother's photo album - had your mother been a hippy living in LA in 1967. It is all sunshine and long-haired boys and girls and dungarees and mini-skirts and freaks and flowers and dope and peace and love and riots. And vacuous utterances, mostly from Charlie.
The lights of the LA highway represent a snake which wants to eat up everyone, but Charlie and his followers will instead eat the snake. Okaaay Charlie.
Here Charlie (played by Gethin Anthony with gleeful stoner craziness) is a fool with a guitar and aspirations to become a star; he is already a petty crook. He has to have some charisma because he gets all the girls. Girls in the LA of 1967 just have to be pretty and have long hair and be happy to sit around looking adoringly at boys with long hair.