AM Show host Ryan Bridge was in tears this morning after reliving the incident that saw his sexuality accidentally exposed on air by co-host Mark Richardson. Photo / AM Show
AM Show host Ryan Bridge was in tears this morning after reliving the incident that saw his sexuality accidentally exposed on air by co-host Mark Richardson. Photo / AM Show
AM Show host Ryan Bridge was in tears this morning after reliving the incident that saw his sexuality accidentally exposed on air by co-host Mark Richardson.
It is the AM Show's last ever show this morning, with the hosts winding back the clock to look at some of their most memorable and controversial moments.
Less than 20 minutes into the final show, Richardson apologised again for revealing Bridge's sexuality on air in October 2019, when Bridge himself had never disclosed it.
At the time, Richardson joked that Bridge had a collection of ex-boyfriends before realising what he had done.
Bridge then laughed awkwardly, before saying: "Yes, it's true, I'm gay. There we go, it's out there. God that was awkward."
Wiping away the tears, Bridge responded saying: "I get emotional when I look at that because I think, again it wasn't your intention to do that but, I just look at that and I'm like man that guy [Bridge] was holding something back, you know?"
Co-host Amanda Gillies, who was present when Richardson outed Bridge's sexuality at the time, said today: "You both handled that moment, it was big. And being here with immense class.
"I remember looking at you Ryan, we were like holy heck. And it was a moment, but you came back with such dignity and you owned it. And you were like, this is me and it was a turning point and it was beautiful ...
"I know, Mark, you were in tears because you love Ryan and you were like what the hell have I done."
AM Show host Ryan Bridge was in tears this morning after reliving the incident that saw his sexuality accidentally exposed on air by co-host Mark Richardson. Photo / AM Show
Reflecting on the gravity of the incident, Richardson added: "I think the great thing is the fears you [Bridge] have never manifested."
Bridge then went on to say he was told someone had come out to their parents after the incident went to air, and they told him had that not happened they don't think their loved one would have come out.
Bridge explained the moment had turned out to be a blessing and had helped so many others with their sexuality struggles.
He even thanked Richardson for what had unfolded.
"I had all of these messages from literally all over the world seeing this clip and people who had never come out, and it had a profound effect on them. And it wouldn't have happened if you didn't say that because I wasn't talking about it. So in some ways, thank you."
Back in 2017, the former Black Cap was fiercely criticised by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern for arguing employers should have the right to ask women whether they are planning on having babies because they're required to provide paid parental leave.
At the time Ardern said it was "totally unacceptable".
This morning the incident was replayed, and Richardson stood by his position.
"When we had a strategy meeting for the show the big boss came in here and said you have one job, get noticed."
He said he believed what he was saying and it was misconstrued in the media.