It's the one nugget of news we're all chomping at the bit for: The autopsy report which will unravel the mystery of what brought the
King of Pop
's reign to a sudden and murky end.
Here we are a month on from
Michael Jackson
It's the one nugget of news we're all chomping at the bit for: The autopsy report which will unravel the mystery of what brought the
King of Pop
's reign to a sudden and murky end.
Here we are a month on from
Michael Jackson
's death and we're still no wiser as to
what exactly happened on that fateful day
on June 25 at the star's Beverly Hills home.
The investigation of his death is widening and the probing into the drugs Jackson was popping, the actions of his in-house doctor,
Dr. Conrad Murray
, who reportedly
that authorities believe killed him, is ongoing.
The first of two autopsies was conducted on the star a few days after his death, the "shock findings" of which were supposedly leaked and
- the Los Angeles County coroner's office later declared the 'report' a total fake.
Jackson's family also requested their own, independent, autopsy on Jackson - largely spurred by their mounting anger over "unanswered questions" surrounding the singer's death.
Video: Michael Jackson, Ain't No Sunshine
The Los Angeles Coroner's office revealed that the preliminary autopsy on Jackson was inconclusive and a final cause of death would not be known until exhaustive toxicology tests are completed in "six to eight weeks."
The request for toxicology tests was spurred by Jackson taking a cocktail of unspecified prescription medications, by all accounts. It's hoped that the reports will shed light on what the singer had in his system and what might have played a part in his death.
Results delayed
Despite earlier reports that Jackson's official cause of death would be announced this week, the Los Angeles County coroner's office now says the post-mortem results will be delayed.
In a statement to the media, Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said the announcement will probably not come until next week.
Winter did not discuss reasons for the delay.
Autopsy results or not, the general consensus is that the star died of a drug overdose. Or was he murdered as his sister
LaToya Jackson
"I believe Michael was murdered," she said in a series of interviews with British tabloids.
"I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved. Rather, it was a conspiracy of people."
Video: Unseen Jacko home movies
Rumour mill
Pondering over Jackson's demise it's hard to silence the slew of questions that inevitably spawn out of the sea of gossip.
Was there foul-play? Is he the
? Did he really have a
? Is he really dead?
Conspiracists with a taste for the outlandish and the bizarre maintain that the King is in fact still alive and moonwalking his way in those
across the globe. There's even a website dedicated to the cause -
- which promises to "unravel the tightly woven fabrication of Michael Jacksons ‘death'."
You guessed it: As far as fuelling the Jacko rumour mill goes, it's open season. Nothing is off-limits. This explains why the star's minions have been forming an orderly queue to step up to the pulpit and blab about their former employer.
We've had the nanny, whom Jackson abruptly sacked in December, who reportedly claimed she
regularly pumped Jackson's stomach
The nurse who claims
acko begged her for powerful sedatives - including the drug Diprivan - to counter his persistent insomnia
The cook who gave a one-on-one to the Associated Press and
gave her account of the singer's final days
and an interesting insight into what might have happened on the day he died.
All that remains is a dramatic, tell-all account from Jackson's one-time BFF, hairy primate companion
- who is not, contrary to popular belief, pushing up daisies. Bubbles is indeed
Video: Nirvana vs Rick Astley mash-up
will be spinning in his grave.
Twitter's 'gay'
Kid Rock
is not a fan of Twitter.
"It's gay," the rocker tells
Rolling Stone
of the microblogging site.
Whatever that means. But whatever you do, don't ask him if he uses the tool.
"If one more person asks me if I have a Twitter, I'm going to tell them, 'Twitter this sh**, motherf*****."
Supporting his rant, he adds: "I don't have anything to say, and what I have to say is not relevant. Anything that is relevant, I'm going to bottle it up and then squeeze it onto a record somewhere."
Hey Rock, any chance of you
How very dare you
Marilyn Manson
has issued a stern warning to any journos who take aim at him and fire.
Addressing journos who write fabricated stories about him, he recently took to his MySpace blog for a good ol' rant:
"If one more 'journalist' makes a cavalier statement about me and my band, I will personally or with my fans' help, greet them at their home and discover just how much they believe in their freedom of speech," Manson warns.
"I dare you all to write one more thing that you won't say to my face. Because I will make you say it. In that manner. That is a threat."
The bug-eyed singer's rant is reportedly in response to an article in
LA Weekly
that alleged the singer was addiced to cocaine, according to the
Everyone's talking about...
The moment potty-mouth
Gordon Ramsay
met his orally-liberated match. Watch Ramsay in an on-screen argument with an ex-Marine during the US version of his
Hell's Kitchen
Total manbags at dawn!
New amore
George (Clooney)
is off the market, ladies. The dashing actor with the power to twitch ovaries has a new leading lady in his life:
Sardinian model and TV host Elisabetta Canalis
Good luck taming him.
This just in...
No 4 for Jude Law
Brit actor
Jude Law
is to be a dad again - for the fourth time - after being told a former flame is expecting, according to his rep.
His rept tells "Jude Law can confirm that, following a relationship last year, he has been advised that he is to be the father of a child due in the fall of this year," the statement said.
"Mr. Law is no longer in a relationship with the individual concerned but he intends to be a fully supportive part of the child’s life. This is an entirely private matter and no other statements will be made."
Maybe not, but that won't stop the dirt digging will it,
Blogger Bites Back
Pictured: Michael Jackson. Photo / AP
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Times: To some the best-selling writer is a genius, to others he's a showman.