Ellen Page, 32, shot to fame in the film Juno (2007), about a teenager who becomes pregnant accidentally. She has since starred in blockbuster films including X-Men and Inception. She publicly came out as gay in 2014, revealing how movie industry pressure to keep her sexuality hidden had affected her
A day in the life of Juno and X-Men actress Ellen Page
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Actress Ellen Page shot to fame in 2017 for her role in Juno. Photo / Getty Images
I was raised in Nova Scotia. It wasn't always easy [growing up gay there]. It was one of those situations where it wasn't really talked about a lot, and there was barely any visibility, and if there was, a lot of the time there would be negative energy. But it is extraordinarily beautiful, with people who are just so down to earth and real and special.

I wasn't educated about the history of marginalised people and I should have been. I remember maybe we talked about Harvey Milk [California's first openly gay elected official], but it was so limited. I think education is crucial to help get rid of queerphobia and transphobia. Children are hearing the heterosexist narrative from the first moment they even hear a narrative, and that's what I grew up with — Sleeping Beauty, for instance.
To say that at a certain age you basically can't know about LGBTQ people, or that they even exist, means you're demonising LGBTQ people. You're saying that something about us is wrong and incorrect. Here's the thing: any religious influence that has an anti-LGBTQ element leads to serious suffering. I've seen the pain it causes. Religion has been used to justify so many horrors — it can't be used to justify treating LGBTQ people as second-class citizens.
Because I wake so early, I tend to go to sleep around 10ish. One reason I talk about mental health is I think the stigma and pressure not to do so leads to it being much worse. I've been able to receive help, but the fact it's unobtainable for so many people makes me so upset. A lot of people struggle with anxiety — what a beautiful thing if we could talk to each other about our trauma.
Words of wisdom
• Best advice I was given: I'm blanking...
• Advice I'd give: It sounds so clichéd, but absolutely love who you are
• What I wish I'd known: You don't need to believe the narratives that are being placed on your life
Written by: Leaf Arbuthnot
© The Times of London