Latest fromSweet preserves

Orange and kumquat marmalade
Lemon, lime or grapefruit marmalade can also be prepared this way

Boozy fruit jars
I've been reading a bit about preserving fruit in booze and about rumptof, a German ...

Raw prune preserve
Jinu Abraham, executive chef of the Heritage Hotel in Auckland, believes at least 50 ...

Preserved autumn fruits
Buying bulk fruit can be daunting so get the children involved in helping to peel the ...

Rhubarb and ginger jam
This is a great way to get your rhubarb patch under control and use up any thinner stems

Pots of lemon curd
Opening my Nigel Slater Kitchen Diaries II to the April chapter, which down under is ...

Preserved passionfruit pulp
Smooth-skinned passionfruit should be kept at room temperature until they start to ...

Feijoa and vanilla jelly
I love the flavour of feijoas, and they are in season for a short time, so making this ...

White peach and sage jelly
This jelly will keep for 12 months unopened, six months opened and refrigerated