You can make the pavlova bases ahead of time, just be sure to keep them airtight in tins and to protect them from being damaged. The compote and sauce may also be made a couple of days in advance.
Pavlova bases
Egg whites
320 g
Caster sugar
2 Tbsp
2 tsp
White vinegar
1 tsp
Raspberry and apple compote
1 Tbsp
Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and sliced (Main)
Preheat an oven to 140C. Line two 23cm cake tins with baking paper.
Place the egg whites in a large bowl and beat until stiff. Slowly add the sugar 2 tablespoons at a time, allowing it to dissolve before adding the next. Add the cornflour, vinegar and vanilla, beating through. Divide the mixture evenly between the two tins. Bake for 1½ hours before turning off the oven and allowing the pavlova to cool. Remove and store until ready to build.
For the compote, warm the butter in a pot. Add the apples, cloves, vanilla seeds, sugar, lemon zest and juice, bringing slowly to a simmer, stirring so it doesn't stick on the bottom. When the apples are soft remove from the heat and cool completely. Stir through the raspberries.
For the butterscotch sauce, heat the butter, sugar and cream in a pot, bringing to a simmer for 3 minutes. Store in the fridge.
When ready to build the pavlova, place the base on to your serving platter. Spread with half the cream and a little compote. Top with the second pavlova, the remaining cream, compote and almonds.Dust with icing sugar before serving and dribble over some butterscotch sauce. Serve the remaining sauce in a small jug.
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