At last, Dr Molan has the answer! A scientist who has turned his mind to one of the great mysteries of the universe - how to make a really great Christmas mince pie. You may know Peter Molan as the honey man - the Waikato University professor of biochemistry who identified the extraordinary healing qualities of Manuka honey. Makes 12.
Fruit Mince 750 g Raisins (Main) 500 g Currants 1 kg Brown sugar 120 g Almonds 4 Apples, peeled, seeded and grated 2 Oranges, grated rind only 2 Lemons, grated rind only 6 tsp Cinnamon 1 tsp Ground cloves 2 tsp Ground nutmeg 1 tsp Almond essence 2 Tbsp Sherry
Sweet shortcrust pastry 1 tsp Baking powder, rounded 21 g Plain flour 2 Tbsp Sugar, heaped 125 g Butter 1 Egg, beaten
Directions Fruit mince Chop the raisins and in a large bowl add the remaining ingredients. Mix together well. Use straight away, or put in jars. If mixture is on the dry side, add a touch more sherry. Christmas pies Preheat oven to 220C. Using a food processor on high, mix together the flour, baking powder and sugar. Add the butter and run processor until the mixture is like very fine breadcrumbs, and starting to stick together. Remove from processor and add the egg. Chop this in gently with a knife. When egg is evenly mixed in, gently squeeze the dough together. With as little handling as possible, roll dough out. Cut out rounds with a 7.5cm fluted cutter and then with a 5.5cm cutter. Line oiled pie tray with large rounds, fill with mincemeat. Damp edges of small rounds and place on top. Make a slit in each one. Bake for around 10 to 15 minutes until golden brown and smelling good. Place on a rack to cool. Dust lightly with icing sugar and share. Save Share this article Copy Link Email Facebook Twitter/X LinkedIn Reddit