Fresh this week
Beans, both round and flat are good buying at New World. They are available until May but are most plentiful now. Use them for the paella in this week's meal planner, for niçoise-style salads for lunch and bean salads for barbecues. Capsicum, tomatoes, spring onions and particularly apricots are plentiful and good buying in store this week.

What to look for
Spring onions are a sweet and flavourful addition to summer salads and a great source of vitamins A, B and C. New World Fresh Expert Brigit Corson recommends choosing spring onions with bright green tips that are nice and round (no wilting) and store them in your fridge crisper.
Try it in
Slice capsicum in to 'dippers' for hummus and other dips in school lunchboxes. They also make a great accompaniment to meat and fish roasted with onions and eggplant in to a stew or an escalivada to serve cold.

Moving on
New Zealand lemons will be harder to find now as they’ve moved out of season, but the good news is that the off-season is relatively short, so you can expect to see them back in your local New World in April and right through to December, says Brigit.