Step 1: Open a disposable piping bag fitted with a nozzle (from kitchen and cake decorating shops), and fold the top of it down to cover your hand.
Step 2: Use a spatula to half fill the bag with your mixture (meringue in this case). Don't overfill.
Step 3: Remove the bag covering your hand. Using both hands, squeeze bag closed, removing air and forcing the mixture down.
Step 4: Hold the bag, just above the filling, between your thumb and index finger, pinching the bag closed.
Step 5: Twist the bag over your index finger so you can slide your finger down, keeping air out and forcing the mix through the nozzle.
Step 6: Hold the nozzle close to your baking tray and begin piping, squeezing a blob of mixture onto the tray, following it round in a circle and then whipping the piping bag away. Work with the bag twisted over your index finger, pulling the bag up with your other hand as you use up the mixture and ensuring there are no air pockets. Refill with more mixture if you need to.