Step-by-step instructions
Step 1:
Cut the leaves off then cut a thick slice off the top and bottom of the pineapple.
Step 2:
Stand the pineapple on its end and cut off the skin in thick strips. You want to cut thickly enough so the eyes are removed too.
Step 3:
Continue removing the skin around the pineapple. Remove any remaining eyes with a knife or the pointed top of a vegetable peeler.
Step 4:
With the pineapple still upright, cut it from top to bottom into slices (thickness to suit your requirements), stopping before you reach the core in the centre. Turn and repeat on the opposite side.
Step 5:
Continue to slice the remaining smaller ends. Discard the central core.
Step 6:
To cut into fine dice, lay three slices of pineapple on top of each other. Cut long strips lengthways, turn and then cut across into dice.