She sells seashells on the sea shore ... this tongue-twisting rhyme may be true in England where perhaps you can still buy fresh shellfish by the seashore. Not so here in Aotearoa, but we are lucky enough to be able to harvest mussels, cockles and scallops from the wild — if you know where to look!
Going off on an adventure to hunt for shellfish was something we loved doing as kids, and it’s something we can still do today as a family.
There’s nothing better than looking for mussels growing on the rocks or digging with your feet in the sand for cockles at low tide! Remember to check out the local limit of what you’re allowed to take to ensure the shellfish are still around for future generations to enjoy.
Once home, these three healthy, nutrient-rich recipes can all be created quickly and easily. Oh, and if you can’t get out foraging, she (and he) does sell sea shells at your local supermarket.
Grilled mussels with chorizo and pine nuts

These mussels are great for passing around at a barbecue. Get the recipe
Summer scallops and pomegranate

This is a wonderful way to enjoy the sweet natural flavour of fresh scallops. Always use really fresh scallops when eating them raw. When buying them at the market I ask to smell them — the aroma should be neutral and slightly sweet, not strong or fishy. Pomegranates are readily available through summer and add a lovely texture and sweetness to this dish. To remove the seeds, cut fruit in half and holding cut side down, hit the skin with a wooden spoon firmly to knock them out. Get the recipe
Lemongrass cockles

New Zealand cockles or littleneck clams are found in harbours and estuaries all around the country. They like to live in soft mud and sand and can be found between the low tide and mid tide marks. One technique to purge or get rid of the sand from your clams is to bring them home in a bucket of sea water from where you harvested them. They will be better after an hour in the bucket; ideally leave them overnight in a cool dark spot, but not in the fridge. Supermarket clams have usually been purged. Get the recipe