We’re expecting a truck load of visitors this coming month so I’ve been freezing a selection of mouth-watering meals in expectation. This includes a favourite way of cooking a whole duck — in a slow cooker.
Asian spices flavour the duck which can be served in Chinese pancakes available frozen from many Asian supermarkets, or on rice or noodles.
I like to freeze meals in the containers in which they will be reheated. Line the casserole or baking dish first with foil or plastic film, add the cooked meal, cover tightly and freeze. Once solid, it can be removed and stored in an airtight container back in the freezer. This allows you to use the baking dish for other meals.
Other suitable dinners or desserts to freeze for the future include: lasagne, chillies, curries, fish cakes, meat loaves, muffins, mini bacon and egg pies, chocolate logs and lamingtons.
Freeze desserts or cakes uncovered until solid but no longer than one hour. Then package in an airtight container. Freezing sweet treats first means any garnish will be kept intact. If left uncovered indefinitely, foods dry out and become freezer burnt losing flavour and texture.
Slow-cooked duck a la mandarin
Tender and tasty. The mandarins could be replaced with two large oranges.