- Add 2 Tbsp organic broccoli sprouting seeds* to a large screwtop jar.
- Cover with a few centimetres of water and cap with a sprouting lid that fits the jar. Store in a warm, dark place overnight.
- The next morning, drain the liquid off and rinse with fresh water. Be sure to drain all the water off. Repeat this 3-4 times a day. Continue to store your seeds in a warm, dark place.
- When they sprout yellow leaves, you can move the sprouts out into the sunlight. Continue to rinse them 3-4 times a day until the leaves are dark green. This whole process will take about a week.
- Once they are ready, replace the sprouting lid with a standard jar lid and store in the fridge. Serve on top of salads, stirred into soups or as part of a smoothie.
* Organic broccoli seeds for sprouting are readily available online or at garden centres and some wholefoods stores, as are sprouting jars and lids.
Read what nutritionist Mikki Williden has to say about the power of broccoli sprouts