Set among mature trees at the A&P showgrounds, this market is as impressive in setting as it is in stallholders —there are some big names here, selling products so good they are stocked in specialty foodstores nationwide, and it’sone of the larger, older markets in New Zealand. Here are the highlights:
Origin Earth: Milk, yoghurt, cheese all made from raw milk products that can be traced back to the farm, the paddock and the animals' origin and benefiting from the nutritional value of biologically active soils.
Maud & Harry's Walnut Company: Harry very wisely moves out among the crowd offering samples of his walnut brittle, knowing that once they've tasted, people quickly goand buy some. The sweet-toothed are also hooked on their walnut chocolate fudge and walnut coffee fudge. The walnut dukkah is delicious (I rolled balls of Origin Earth Lebanese cream cheese in this to serve with drinks) and their walnut oil is a treat. You can buy fresh, creamy New Zealand walnuts at certain times of the year too.
Te Mata Mushrooms: Ultra fresh and very tasty, thanks to their douglas fir growing trays and secret compost recipe. The nutritional value of mushrooms means we could all benefit from eating more of them and these guys make it easy.
Edgebrook Cider: Initially attracted by the label, I took quite a shine to this drop made from local apples in the traditional English style. A cool, crisp drink for those hot Hawkes Bay days.
Terraza Saffron: Leading New Zealand chefs including our Peter Gordon rate Terraza Saffron, with its superior flavour, aroma and colour, very highly. It's grown right here in the Bay but it's in high demand, much of it going to restaurants. You will find Terraza saffron in many speciality foodstores nationwide or get in touch with them direct at Once you've secured some, make up some Terraza Saffron lemonade (recipe above).
Village Press: You can buy Village Press oils from supermarkets and specialty food stores but it's twice as nice to buy it in its home town with the whole tempting range on offer. When we were there in November they had just released the Ray MacVinnie Shake it Up — a light red vinegar and olive oil dressing for salads and veges.
Te Mata Figs: Fresh, spray-free figs when in season, whichis late summer/autumn, so any minute now! Year-round you can buy a selection of outstanding preserves. You can also order through their website, which has some great recipes for fresh figs.
The Damson Collection: Anything you can make with damsons, these guys do it. Match a wedge of fine Hawke'sBay Cheese with The Damson Collection paste or terrine.
Manurau: is Maori for many birds and that's exactly what Manurau have. They specialize in a range of quality birds such as quail, duck, goose, squab, silkie bantam and guinea fowl. They also have quail eggs. Most of the brids are seasonal so all products are frozen for year-round availability. Have a look at their website, and get in touch with them for a price list. They will deliver nationwide.
And there's so much more....
Hastings Farmers' Market
Every Sunday 8.30am-12.30pm
Hawke's Bay A&P Showgrounds, Kenilworth Rd, Hastings