Salad Days
Lightly cooked and cooled prawns are perfect in spring salads. Avocado is the age-old companion, but try watermelon, mango, bean sprouts, thinly sliced fennel or asparagus. Use to beef up bean or potato salads or team with feijoa or pear salsa in autumn.
Asian adventure
Brush on marinades of sweet/sour tamarind, ginger, chilli or garlic. Quickly stir-fry or grill on skewers and serve with stir-fried green peppers and spring onions on rice, or with sesame-flavoured rice noodles.
A Touch of the Med
Stir quickly fried prawns through penne with peas, mix through orzo with a light lemon oil or simmer in a sauce of white wine with garlic, butter, chopped dill and a bay leaf.
Available from Countdown