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Mikki Williden: Take that vegetable and fruit intake and double it
Research states that young adults (around 21 years of age) in Italy who ate a high ...

ADHD and diet
The diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is increasing in both ...

Mikki's quick supermarket lunch options
One of the keys to nutrition success is food preparation

Men's health: Libido
Feeling the urge? If the answer is (secretly) "no", then you are not alone

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day... right?
There’s a good chance that you’re reading this on a Monday morning, but is ...

How to grow broccoli sprouts
Add 2 Tbsp organic broccoli sprouting seeds* to a large screwtop jar

The power of broccoli sprouts
Close to 2000 years ago, Cato the Elder, a Roman general, senator and historian, ...

Mikki Williden: The importance of magnesium
Anyone who has experienced muscle cramps knows the impact that taking a magnesium ...

Drinking season
Christmas barbecues and end of year parties provide more opportunities to drink ...

The plant-based diet
Much of the information that is presented around a vegan diet (a diet that excludes ...

Eat yourself happy
We all know that what we eat plays a big role in how happy or otherwise we are, but ...

How to gain and maintain weight for those that struggle
Times of high stress may increase emotional or mindless eating for some, but can ...

Eating good food at a good price
With the price of butter increasing 20 percent compared to this time last year, it ...

The power of no-wheat flour
There is an increasing array of flours that can be used as substitutes for wheat ...

Mikki Williden's spring detox
With the days getting warmer and lighter, some people feel like they need a bit of a ...

Mikki Williden on canola oil
Canola oil has long been a staple in households as it is cheap, convenient and ...

Noodles, but not as you know them
One of the biggest fads of the last 10 years has been swapping some traditional ...

Iron overload
I talk a lot about nutrient deficiency, particularly considering the types of health ...

Mikki Williden: Your kids' mental health
A major health issue facing New Zealand right now is the increasing number of children ...

Mikki Williden sheds some light on probiotics
Once you get your diet and lifestyle in check, if you are still struggling with health ...

Milk alternatives
If you need to remove dairy, or specifically milk, from your diet there are plenty of ...

Not all chocolate is created equally
Is now a good time to talk about chocolate? Well, given that Easter is upon us and we ...

Mikki Williden: Bulletproof coffee
The first time we noticed Jim from Accounts put butter in his coffee, we were a little ...

Mikki Williden: Nip cravings in the bud
The weather has been warmer lately and warmer weather often means a steady flow of ...

We go nuts for health, but what about seeds?
Aside from chia seeds (a “superfood” seed), other seed varieties ...

Nutritionist Mikki Williden: What gives with butter
Reductionism is the term used to describe one person’s perspective of causality ...

Kombucha: a nice addition to a real food lifestyle
Kombucha’s fizzy, sweet taste makes it a popular starting point for anyone who ...

Leaf to root
It’s very trendy right now to revisit foods and meals that were mainstays of the ...

Thriving as we age: The health benefits of milk
For whatever reason, reports in the media that discuss health in our older years are ...

The benefits of dairy for kids
There has in recent times been a backlash against dairy products for children, but ...

Easy, cheesy baby frittatas
These mini frittatas are also super-easy to whip up and freeze to use as part of ...

Cauliflower with broccoli cheese sauce
The lovely, green cheese sauce is adapted from a Jamie Oliver recipe

Osteoporosis: Nutritional information + recipe
Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease characterised by a reduction of bone strength and ...

Are some sugars better than others?
Sugar is still dominating the media headlines and along with increasing evidence to ...

A healthy measure of spice
We are now fairly familiar with the idea that spices are good for us – they have ...

Fuelling young athletes
Feeding sporty kids can be confusing, especiallyin the current climate where the major ...

Eating well in menopause (plus recipes)
Nutritionist Mikki Williden on how your diet can help reduce some of those dreaded ...

Osteoarthritis (+ dietary recommendations)
More than half a million New Zealanders will be affected by arthritis at some point in ...

Turmeric latte
Liberal inclusion of turmeric in the diet is a good idea, and this latte is a tasty ...

Alzheimer's (+ nutrient-rich foods)
Alzheimer’s is a devastating condition for anyone affected by it and is the ...

Craving comfort (+ healthy recipe ideas)
There are a few reasons we crave starchy, creamy bowls of deliciousness in wintertime

The health of your prostate
Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of death for men in New Zealand

The key to a balanced diet
We all know the person who knows a person who is 92, lives on sausages and bread, eats ...

The magic of mushrooms
Mushrooms are magic, and I’m not meaning in some illegal, mind-altering way

Feeding the gut
There is increasing evidence that the type of fibre we eat contributes directly to the ...

Autumn picks
Though we have the luxury of buying a vast array of vegetables year-round (albeit at a ...

Digestion begins in the brain
I used to tell people that digestion starts in the mouth but it is actually way down ...

Gluten: The devil is in the detail
Much to the chagrin of many nutritionists and dietitians, gluten — along with ...

Cauliflower pizza base
This cauliflower pizza base is a great alternative to the gluten-filled base you would ...

The school lunch box
A well-packed lunch box should provide foods that sustain energy, concentration, mood ...

Should we be avoiding fruit?
It’s never as simple as the headlines suggest and, for most people, including ...

Apple pancake for one
This is a filling breakfast, so you’ll be less likely to snack if you ...

Health benefits of nuts
It’s well-known that nuts pack a punch with regards to their health benefits

30 second mayonnaise
Homemade mayonnaise and other salad dressings help ensure you won't load up on too ...

The omega fatty acids balancing act
There are a lot of conflicting views in nutrition, however, one point that is ...

Foods to aid recovery
There is no time more important for eating nutrient dense foods than during the ...

The irrational behaviour around sugar and other "junk" foods
Are you an all-or-nothing type when it comes to junk food? Can’t understand how ...

Coconut almond square
This recipe is sugar-free but you will still have to practice moderation

Bone broth: Is it a superfood?
By now, you may be familiar with bone broth — and the claims that it is a superfood

Bone broth
The preparation of bone broth allows minerals and proteins to be drawn out of bones ...

How our food environment affects our behaviour
Did you know that people who have their toaster out on the kitchen counter weigh 4

The importance of vitamin D and how to include it in your diet
D is for dark days and the vitamin you need to smile your way through them