You'll need the patience of the Bible's Job and nerves of steel if you own a place here and are planning on selling.
Woodend Beach at Waimakariri north of Christchurch has just been revealed as the place in New Zealand where it takes the longest to sell a residence.
The area south of Waikuku set the year's national record for having homes which languish on the market for a daunting 169 days, compared with many Auckland suburbs where it takes around 20 to 30 days to quit the house.
"On average, that's how long it takes to sell a house in that area or suburb," said Nick Goodall of CoreLogic said of Woodend Beach. "It could be due to low demand, vendor expectations, the fact that it's a holiday area and there are not that many jobs."
Supply had increased in the area, too, he said. The area is renowned for its long stretch of beach and Goodall said it could be that vendors are just particularly patient in that peaceful place, undaunted by waiting around a third of a year.