Visit at 2pm for the Herald Budget Special with live video coverage from Parliament and the Auckland studio with analysis and expert opinion through the afternoon.
What will New Zealand's Wellbeing Budget look like?
Now mired in controversy following the leak by National, this Budget still promises to be unique in its structure and style.
But will there be room for any spending surprises?
Most economists agree the Government is on track to meet its fiscal goals but may have to lower forecasts and keep spending tight.
Changes to debt limits in the Budget Responsibility rules, announced last week, won't change the equations for this year's accounts.
"The total Crown OBEGAL [operating] surplus of $2.5 billion is running ahead of the Half Year Update forecast by $329 million," said Miles Workman, ANZ senior economist.
But as of March, tax revenues were running $542m below forecast.
Meanwhile, core Crown expenses of $63.5b show a $583m underspend, more than offsetting weaker tax revenues.
Around $200m of this is because of an underspend on the Fees Free programme with enrolments not meeting initial forecasts. Spending on social assistance benefits was also a little lower, reflecting ongoing tightness in the labour market.
"All up, there's nothing in the starting position to suggest urgent and drastic change is required to steer the books towards where the Government wants them to be, " Workman said.
"But a weaker economic and fiscal outlook could have made for a few tough choices. "
Westpac senior economist Anne Boniface said she would not be expecting much new spending.
"The fiscal accounts are likely to show the Government is running out of wiggle room," she wrote in her Budget preview.
The Wellbeing Budget freshly printed. Photo/Mark Mitchell
"We expect little additional spending although we could see some reprioritisation of spending. Despite this, the Government is still likely to need to borrow a bit more."
Despite the fact that at least some of the details of the Budget were revealed by National this week, there are still many announcements that will be made.
But, in the lead-up to the big day every year, Governments like to make a few pre-Budget announcements beforehand. This year has been no exception.
Here's what the Government has already announced will be in Budget 2019:
• Fighting domestic abuse – A $320 million package across four years will pay for five initiatives to combat family and sexual violence.