Trustpower says it might have to write down the value of its generation assets by as much as $170 million after revising its view on future electricity prices.
A draft independent valuation indicates the Tauranga-based electricity retailer-generator will have to cut the value of its generation assets to $1.85-1.9 billion from about $2.02 billion from March 31, it said.
The adjustment will largely be on the balance sheet, hitting the company's equity, but chief financial officer Kevin Palmer said it won't affect Trustpower's profit.
"This revaluation has arisen primarily from a revised view of future electricity prices," Palmer said in a statement to the NZX. "Generation volumes forecast have remained substantially unchanged."
Trustpower has been a beneficiary of favourable weather, where its hydro schemes were flush at a time when the national average hydro storage was below average and the Pohokura gas field outage drove up wholesale prices. It expects to report earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and changes in financial instruments of $215-235 million for the year ending March.