Steven Joyce's mega merger to create the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Enterprise was an audacious - and successful - bid to put his hands on the levers controlling a vast bureaucracy. Now he is casting his eyes even further afield in his role as Science and Innovation Minister. Officials are working on a "strategic refresh" of the Health Research Council, as it spends $80 million a year under the watch of the Minister of Health. Changes to the board are being undertaken and officials are working out how to better "align" its spending with the Government's "science investment" strategy, which has a heavy emphasis on economic development. The council's main funding agreement is already through the Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment (ie Joyce), however the council works under the Health Research Council Act and answers to the Minister of Health. As things stand, the law places a heavy emphasis on health research, not so much on economic returns. One wonders what the Prime Minister's Science Adviser, Sir Peter Gluckman, a staunch defender of the council, thinks of this.
John Key is going ahead with plans to go to Japan and Korea next week to continue the pressure for a trade deal - individually, or as part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Some in National fear his absence will not help in the Northland byelection. But there will be plenty of ministers spending the coming days in the North, with Key returning for the campaign's final days.
Those with long memories will enjoy the minor irony of Saatchi boss Kevin Roberts being appointed chairman of My Food Bag, which delivers recipes and ingredients. Back in 1999, a private dinner between Roberts and then-PM Jenny Shipley, at the home of one his public relations consultants, caused the pair all sorts of trouble, with accusations they talked about Tourism Board business Saatchi was interested in. No one asked if they ordered food in.