The Government Communications Security Bureau and the Security Intelligence Service like to keep their activities under wraps, but a recent job advert makes the Insider wonder what is going on there. The GCSB needs a "bright, enthusiastic and highly motivated" events co-ordinator to make arrangements for visits and events hosted by GCSB, NZSIS and tenants at Pipitea House, including arranging catering and confirming visitor security clearances. What sort of parties and events, and how many of them do spooks enjoy that require a fulltime co-ordinator - party like James Bond?
Protecting the assets
An audit of how well the state sector manages its assets is setting off alarm bells. The audit of 340 public entities with assets worth more than $214 billion showed most were doing a pretty good job, with management plans in place for 75 per cent of assets. But only about 40 per cent of assets are being managed according to plan. And it seems there are high levels of deferred maintenance and many organisations don't even know how much has been deferred.
SSC holds the key
State Services Commissioner Iain Rennie has begun to exercise his new powers by designating 80 "key positions" (mostly second-tier management and chief information officers) in departments. Appointments to these positions must be approved by the SSC, or by the Government Chief Information Officer for appointments to CIO roles. The SSC's growing power is causing resentment among some departmental bosses who believe the commission is not particularly well run itself.TRAINING RUN KiwiRail is tonight hosting "Keeping NZ on the Move" - a VIP event celebrating 150 years of rail in this country - fittingly, at the former Auckland Railway Station in Parnell. Expected guests include a gaggle of chief executives, sportspeople and national and local politicians.