Labour leader Andrew Little will get an opportunity to impress the business community as investors gear up for the annual Shareholders Association Investor Conference and AGM to be held on Saturday in Hamilton. Little is the main speaker, with others including Devon Funds Management executive chairman Paul Glass, economist Shamubeel Eaqub and NZ Superannuation Fund head of investments Fiona Mackenzie.The event will focus on investing in a low-interest world.
Rising diversity
Diversity was the word of the night at AUT on Thursday with the launch of the Superdiversity Centre, hosted by Mai Chen from Chen Palmer. Sir Tipene O'Regan addressed the more than 100 business leaders in attendance, saying: "Even the mighty English are learning now what it's like to be colonised", referencing the changing face of Europe and New Zealand, which needed to embrace diversity and have a healthy discussion about immigration policy. The need for companies to have management structures that reflect diversity was also highlighted, with speakers saying New Zealand's diverse population should be reflected at all levels of business.