The first and I think best strategy is to have a really good culture. We've worked together for a long time now and the guys are fantastic about working in with each others' plans and everyone's families.
I'm a firm believer in the saying that the fish rots from the head down. So providing a good atmosphere, and giving the team reason to be loyal to the company are my main jobs. If I don't do those then everything else will suffer. I must be doing something right because we have an extremely low staff turnover. All our engineers have been with us for more than six years with two of them are hitting 15 years.
What sort of planning do you do to make sure everything is going to run smoothly over the holidays?
To make sure we can work in with everyone we're often planning for Christmas the previous January! This means no last-minute panics - everyone knows what they're doing and they can plan around it. We also try and book the guys lots of leave during the year if we can. Having these micro-breaks mean they're not as tired at the end of the year.
Clear communication with our clients is another important strategy. They all know how to get hold of us and we have 0800 numbers for our SLA clients that go directly to the engineers. Our phone system is also set up so that if anybody needs to speak to a staff member they can. This means we're always able to respond to any issues that might come up and clients feel comfortable they can get hold of us when they need to.
What have you found the biggest challenge in terms of getting your planning right for handling the holidays?
Making the time to plan is probably our biggest challenge. We missed a step at the beginning of this year because of some large projects we had going on and because of that some of the guys are more tired than they should be. This means they'll need a bigger break at Christmas so we will have to do some jiggling to make sure they get what they need. We've already booked in our planning session for 2015, so we won't make the same mistake next year.
What's one key piece of advice you would have for other small business owners about handing the holidays?
Never ask your staff to do something that you aren't prepared to do yourself. If you are asking them to work over the holiday break then you should work as well. At Christmas, 90 per cent of the time I'm one of the people on call. I do this so other staff can have the time off because it's my business and it's my responsibility.
Coming up in Your Business: What are some of the clever strategies small businesses have come up with to get maximum bang for a miniscule marketing buck? If you've got a good story to tell about how you've marketed your business on a shoestring, get in touch:
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