Nineteen-year-old Stephanie Benseman is a co-founder of Filtr, an online platform that helps connect students to potential employers. She also works as a project coordinator for the Young Enterprise Trust, which runs the Young Enterprise Scheme in schools, and is a Victoria University student.
What set you on the path to becoming an entrepreneur?
My parents own a business, and I always wanted to be a designer like my dad. So my plan was to go to Massey University and study design. But I didn't really get into the idea of being an entrepreneur until I was in year 13. I had a friend at Garin College in Nelson who was doing really well in the Young Enterprise Scheme, but they didn't offer it at my school - Marlborough Girls' College - so I nagged them until I could do it extra curricular. With four other friends, we set up a company called Reverb, which created dresses made out of recycled fabrics, and won best YES company in the Marlborough region in 2013. Doing that programme was the best decision of my life because it helped me realise being an entrepreneur is my career path.
When and why did you start Filtr?