Personal Coach - Lesley Colcord of Coach4Life on why she likes working from her Northcote Point home.
I often coach my clients on the importance of having the right environment to either live in or work in. Our environment is such an important part of our wellbeing that is often, sadly, overlooked, and therefore, not given enough attention. My work is mentally creative and therefore I need to be in an environment that encourages that and my house does. My house is also relaxing and fun and reflects my personality fully, so my clients can truly get to sit alongside me when we work together. It is also a very easy location to get to from the city for clients and there is no problem with parking. They can just leave the car at the door and be greeted by a cuppa and a plate full of treats.
Working at home not for everyone
Not everyone is suited to working alone and alongside their day to day life. Many people enjoy putting on their "work persona" and prefer to physically remove themselves from their personal jobs such as mum, spouse, cleaner or cook. Also many people need to be part of a team to work to their full potential and enjoy the opportunity to bounce and discuss ideas etc. To be able to survive working alone and from home you need, I believe, to have an independent nature and be self-reliant. You also need to be pretty decisive as there is no one to bounce things past at a moments notice.
I do know of some clients that have tried working from home and find that it just doesn't suit them. We are unique creatures in what we need to make us work efficiently and smartly and it's good to recognise what best makes you tick in this sense.