The fact is we have long faced four intractable problems; a structural current account deficit, low productivity, low savings rates and low investment rates. Without a solution to these problems the only future for New Zealand is foreign ownership and lower wages. The struggles of the manufacturing and export sectors foreshadow what is to come for our entire economy. Given most agree these are our core problems it is hard to see why, other than vested interests and fear of change, the status quo should be defended. The journey towards a solution begins with the first step of acceptance that things must change.
Economic wishlist
If we begin with the end, what sort of economy would we elect to be? What would be the features and characteristics of that economy? Diverse, complex, valuable and sustainable come easily to mind. Much more difficult is charting a course from the midst of our problems to that future state. Any argument for change triggers the fear and entrenched interest defence, then usually the wild claims follow.
A statement like: "There is no magic printing press in the sky" demonstrates a lack of understanding how the money supply operates. "We don't have the money to intervene in currency markets," fails to recognise the structural difference between trying to hold up a currency where foreign currency is required, compared to lowering the value of a currency where the central bank has an infinite capacity to intervene. Others like: "Get efficient and sell on value" or "imported raw materials are cheaper"or "the cross rate with Australia is good" all demonstrate the absence of practical experience and an ignorance of arithmetic.
We also have the politics: "Manufacturers and exporters are looking to lower real wages." This sets one group against another, when the facts are the pass-through of exchange rates to consumers is attenuated and delayed. A recent ANZ survey even showed that three out of five importers are planning to increases prices, even with an expectation of further currency appreciation.
The nation's vision
As a nation we need to aspire to a vision beyond foreign ownership and low wages. We need a policy framework that builds towards that vision, based on practice not opinion or theory. Poor returns result in lower investment; lower investment in turn lowers productivity, lower productivity results in lower earnings and lower wages. Recognise this and want something different? Is it worth the effort to strive to make New Zealand the Switzerland of South?
Does running a policy framework that sees the New Zealand dollar currency trade in one day exceed the annual merchandise trade, make any sense at all? In a world awash with asset speculation, does it make any sense to promote the practice? In a world that values innovation and complexity does it make any sense to stand back and witness the commoditisation of our economy?
The question is often raised: "Can manufacturing survive in New Zealand?" A deeper question would be: "Can New Zealand survive as a modern advanced economy without manufacturing?"
I think not. Time to change.
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