Ryan Baker is CEO of appointment booking software firm Timely, which has 27 staff who all work remotely.
Why have you chosen to have a team that works entirely remotely?
We were remote from day one. My co-founder and our CTO Andrew Schofield and I were in different cities - I'm in Dunedin and he's based in Wellington - so it was more a question of working out whether or not working remotely was just going to be a phase. But once we saw the benefits of providing a flexible working environment for people, it was clear it wasn't. We love it.
What are those benefits?
There are lots but probably the big one is around recruitment. As a small business it's hard to compete with more established companies for new staff. For example, most of our tech team are based around Wellington and our product is built on the same tech stack as Xero, so we're competing with them for people and that's tough. But being able to offer people the ability to work from home and flexibly around their lives, whether they're into climbing mountains or they're looking after kids, really strikes a chord with some people. We've been able to attract some really talented people because that's the way they want to work.