Dr Frances Pitsilis, personal and corporate physician, speaker and expert on stress and burnout - having experienced burnout herself twice.
What sort of lifestyles do small business owners have which lead them
to burnout?
Small business owners work in the business themselves alongside a small number of staff. This is often necessary because their income often ends up being little more than a wage. They work long hours, take work home and take few breaks. If they get sick, they soldier on. If a staff member gets sick, the owner works even more to cover this.
What sorts of symptoms will these people have when they come to you?
The first symptom is problems with sleep - not being able to get off to sleep, not being able to stay asleep, or waking very early. The second symptom is fatigue that tends to start in the morning with difficulty getting up. After that, anxiety, depression, not being able to think properly, irritability, short fuse and other symptoms. Ultimately, overworked, overstressed people can get really sick and completely "burn out" and be unable to work. Taken further, serious diseases like heart attack, stroke, rashes, pain and fatigue conditions can occur.