Have you ever noticed that change is a shape shifter?
Think back to the last time you had to learn a new skill, develop a new process or even move to a new environment. How hard does it seem when you begin? Every step has to be thought about - and it all seems to take a disproportionate amount of time.
I remember when I first got serious about e-commerce on my website some years ago. When I looked at all the things I needed to do and learn, it seemed like a huge mountain in the way. Even whilst I battled with new ways of doing things, setting a day aside here and there, squeezing new learning in around all the other 'stuff', sneaking early-morning sessions into already busy schedules, it still seemed like an almost insurmountable obstacle. Everything seemed complicated, everything seemed hard, everything seemed to take AGES!
Trouble was, I was trying to get my head around about four different major new technologies. Overwhelmed was the result. If I allowed myself to feel frustrated I wasted even more time. When I accepted that it would take time, and that it was ok to feel confused, it wasn't as bad and each time it got easier.
Eventually came a day when the work was done. New information and new habits became second nature. And suddenly the mountain of tasks and new knowledge that seemed so overwhelming at the beginning of the journey had become a very small foothill - once I reached the top. It felt as though the task had shifted shape. Or was it my mind, attitude and expectations that had shifted shape?