I'm constantly delighted with the comments seminar attendees and coaching clients make after they start applying more focus in their daily time management choices.
Just today, David, one of my corporate executives said: "With constant focus on my highest value and giving myself one over-arching priority, sometimes daily but with bigger projects, weekly, I feel far more empowered to say 'no' to what are essentially distractions. Other times I request (and sometimes renegotiate) blocks of time for a task that will require more time.
"I'm also encouraging my direct reports to come with more completed work if possible, or at least to have taken their thinking as far as they can before they come asking for help. This way they're putting some focus in themselves and not just relying on me to solve their problems.
"Your other really powerful focusing strategy that I found very helpful, Robyn, is the Daily 1-5. I was vaguely doing something like that, but now I've elevated it to an essential process. It really clears the mind clutter and helps me stay focused on what needs to be done. Some days I only get the top 3 items off the list but by the end of the day I still feel I've achieved something worthwhile - because I started with the most important tasks."